Brňáci pro Brno (Brno citizens for Brno)

Brno Locals for Brno (Brňáci pro Brno) is the app of the Brněnské komunikace a.s. company.

This app serves the citizens of Brno as an effective tool for declaring any local issues with facilities, buildings and road areas managed and owned by entities involved in the BPB TEAM (Brňáci pro Brno - Brno Locals for Brno). It allows citizens to actively share in the quality of life of their city.

Here you can directly alert the technician who will ensure the issue gets fixed. When an issue alert is given, information regarding that issue will be sent directly to a technician from the BPB TEAM. Then they will take care of the issue immediately according to the category and area of the city where the issue is located. The category ‘individual issues’ helps issues to be solved and fixed at quicker speeds. Therefore, technicians can quickly take action and solve issues they otherwise would not know existed. Issues can even be solved that very same day, although, the time frame does depend on the type and extend of each issue.

An app that makes sense

Broken up pavement, a damaged road sign, a pothole, damaged street lights, damaged or full garbage bins, illegal dumping, gas leaks, damaged street furniture in the park and many other issues. These are the types of issues you could run into in the city. In many cases, these issues prove to be difficult to solve. Nevertheless, the issue could be removed before the relevant administrators find out about it. This is the exact goal of the Brno Locals for Brno app, which is capable of significantly accelerating the repair process in the city, thanks to which all of us can live a more pleasant life in Brno.


Free to download:   



Podpůrné webové stránky projektu BPB - 

Nationwide competition Smart Cities for the Future 2017

The statutory city of Brno won in the category of cities over 50,000 inhabitants for its “Brno Locals for Brno” project and its effective road area issue alert system, with supporting mobile app and Google Maps and GPS platforms. The project’s applicant is the Brněnské komunikace a.s. company, whose founder is the statutory city of Brno.