Pilot site solved by BKOM-DT 2

Pilot site solved by BKOM-DT 2

The project is not only focused on motorways. The Statutory City of Brno through the company it owns, Brněnské komunikace a.s.,  in close cooperation with the Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic will set up a systematic approach to the implementation of cooperative systems in the city within the project and create conditions for their effective deployment.

Brněnské komunikace a.s. will focus on building a C-ITS city system on selected backbone roads, within the framework of the project. This will include, for example, warning the driver of the STAND signal on the light signaling device or warning of the driving of another vehicle on red.

Due to the low penetration of C-ITS vehicles in the Czech Republic, Brněnské komunikace a.s. as part of the C-ROADS project, is also equipping a part of its own vehicle fleet with a C-ITS OBU (on board unit). The project will also test the communication of RSUs (Roadside Units), which will be connected to LSDs (light signaling devices) at intersections, with units fitted in vehicles according to the ITS G5 standard.

In practice, this means that after connecting all the above parts of the system, vehicle <–> vehicle and vehicle <–> infrastructure mutual communicate will be enabled.