- Information centre
- 30. 11. 2022 | Delegace Moldavsko
- 16. 11. 2022 | Delegace Bosna a Hercegovina, Albánie
- 6. 6. 2022 | The Japanese delegation visited Brno
- 22. 10. 2021 | Brno je jedničkou v oblasti inteligentních dopravních systémů, jihomoravští hasiči díky tomu uspěli v anketě Hasič roku
- 24. 9. 2021 | Zahraniční hosté ze Slovinska v sídle společnosti Brněnské komunikace
- 24. 7. 2021 | C-ITS workshop led by the Association for Transport Telematics
- 7. 6. 2021 | URBIS 2021 - international day - Saferoads today
- 21. 9. 2020 | SMART AND PURE MOBILITY - 7th year of the national conference
- 11. 12. 2020 | Demonstration of cooperation between HZS and BKOM for city management
- 24. 11. 2020 | Public transport ON-LINE 2020" - 14th annual conference on public transport
- 29. 10. 2018 | The contractor has been selected for the “Implementation of C-ITS in the City of Brno”
- 29. 4. 2019 | Initiate acceptance procedure and completion of stage 1
- 20. 5. 2019 | Individual tests RSU, OBU/RVU, BO.
- 20. 5. 2020 | Testing of C-ITS interoperability C-ITS - preference MHD
- 12. 6. 2019 | Initiation of stage 2
- 27. 6. 2019 | Complex tests took place at selected locations
- 10. 7. 2019 | The acceptance and handover protocol
- 9. 10. 2019 | Press conference - We teaching cars comunicate together
- 31. 12. 2019 | Ordering system at the supplier
- 26. 2. 2020 | C-ITS has been tested
- 3. 9. 2020 | URBIS SMART CITY FAIR - ROADS SHOW with Austrian partners
- 22. 9. 2020 | The company Brněnské komunikace a.s. won the Prize of the Association for Transport Telematics and the prize of the Sdružení pro dopravní telematiku and prize of České silniční společnosti