About the project C-ROADS

C-ROADS is a pan-European pilot project, whose Czech part C-ROADS CZ has the task of deploying the new C-ITS technology (cooperative intelligent transport systems in which data exchange between car-car and car-infrastructure takes place) in real traffic on defined sections of the road network of the Czech Republic.

The C-ROADS project aims to harmonize and cooperate in the deployment of C-ITS systems in European Member States. The project is co-financed by CEF Transport.

Project coordinator:


Project partners:




Objectives of the project

The main objectives of the project are to increase road safety, protect health and people, reduce accidents and increase traffic flow. The unique Czech part of the project is the testing of C-ITS in railway operations and public transport.  These goals will be met through test scenarios.

Brněnské komunikace a.s. has entered this project with the C - ITS technology solution in the city, which is unique within the C - ROADS Platform. The Statutory City of Brno thus contributes to the uniqueness of the C-ROADS CZ project.

C-ITS cooperative systems will provide drivers with information about the current road traffic situation, will contribute significantly to drivers' traffic anticipation, to traffic flow and to the reduction of accidents, especially serious accidents. The timely receipt of accurate information is essential to enable drivers to readily understand the road traffic situation and focus on a potential problem.

Based on the practical knowledge of this project, the relevant legislation should also be amended in the future in order to gradually introduce cooperating ITS systems into a wider practice without technical barriers.

More information about C-ROADS Czech Republic can be found on the official website  https://c-roads.cz/